Frequently Asked Questions
Mediation is a step-by-step approach to address all of the areas required by the court to complete a divorce agreement. The mediator meets with each couple to gain a full understanding of their needs and circumstances and navigates them through the divorce process.
Mediation is a far less expensive alternative to litigation. WDM does not seek a retainer or payments for costs upfront; rather, fees are collected at the beginning of each session. The overall cost may vary depending on a couple’s individual circumstances.
At this time, we are offering the choice of in-person or online sessions. Once scheduled, WDM will send you a link confirming your session. A final, in-person meeting is scheduled to complete the formal signing process.
The mediator and parties sign an agreement ensuring all information disclosed remains confidential. This information cannot be used for any other purpose than working to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.
Mediation uses the court’s guidelines to address child support. The mediation process considers how these guidelines relate to each family’s individual circumstances.
The court offers parents with children under the age of the opportunity to engage in a parent education program. This is designed to help parents manage the ways their children may be affected by divorce.
WDM will work with you, keeping your busy schedules in mind. Sessions are scheduled weekdays during the hours of 9am-5pm.
WDM ensures all of the steps are taken to complete a legal divorce agreement. Mediators do not serve in the role of attorney; however, referrals to local attorneys are available should parties wish to seek individual legal guidance.
Timing depends on the availability of the parties, as well as the court process. Divorce mediation can be completed within a few months. From there, additional time is needed to allow the case to work its way through the court process.
Reach out to WDM to seek a reduced-fee consultation to fully explore your personal circumstances and how WDM can help you.